Collection higlights

The collection includes the fabrics produced in silk-weaving centers of Central Asia...

Women’s, men’s and children’s clothes such as kuylak, kaltacha,...

The applied art collection has 2,420 articles. The collection mainly includes the...
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Ark, the citadel of the Bukharan rulers 2 Afrasiyab Street, Registan square, Bukhara City transportation Public buses # 8, 6, 23Fixed-route taxi (marshrutka): 51, 53, 56, 58, 76Registan bus-stop Museum of Decorative – Applied Art, Sitora-i Mohi Khosa Mohi Khosa village, Bukhara City transportation Buses # 7, 9Fixed-route taxi: 70, 84 MohiKhosa... [Read more of this review]

Tours For those decided to visit the museums of Bukhara alone or with family or friends, the tour bureau offers thematic tours along the diverse exhibitions of the museum-preserve – both in the old section of the city and its suburbs. Qualified tour – guides and museum’s research fellows conduct tours in English, German, Russian, Uzbek,... [Read more of this review]

General Information General information on the Ark museum Assistant Director on general issues(365) 224-13-78 Assistant Director on scientific-research affairs:(365) 224-13-66 Research Departments History Department(365) 224-13-66 Registration Sector(365) 224-14-04 Tour Bureau(365) 224-38-53 "Open Treasury" Computer Center(365) 224-37-94 Bukhara... [Read more of this review]

History department (from ancient time to early 20th century) This is one of the oldest research departments in the museum, functioning since 1923. It also includes the archaeology section. The department’ s depository has about 14,000 objects. There are six members of the staff in the department. The department chair is M. Niyazova. Department... [Read more of this review]
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